Friday, June 17, 2011

Flying by

Time continues to march and here's my lonely blog hanging out like that dog up the street that's happy to see you when you eventually come back by for a walk. Or something. Shut up, I just gave blood and am all lightheaded, even after a lovely packet of Milano cookies and apple juice. Milano cookies make fantastic s'mores, by the way. So do peanut butter cookies with a square of caramel filled chocolate under the marshmallow. I'm also pretty excited that after a year and five months of unemployment, I think I got a decent offer. It'll start out as a graphic design/production position, but they really want someone to come in and help them with marketing. Run the Twitter and Facebook and such. I think they called me back because I'm the only candidate who volunteered to do exactly that without them mentioning it. I have a couple more interviews to slog through and then I'll call to accept. Woohoo, work! I also need a nap and meat...