Thursday, July 29, 2010


Now for something sweeter. We made citrusy cinnamony sourdough French toast on Sunday, way more than we could eat for breakfast. The extras went into the freezer. Now a piece of that, thawed and toasted with blackberry jam, makes for a grinning Mouse. Ah, deep breath with some sugar and caffeine on the side.

And this. You should see this. According to the review of the Goats in Trees 2011 calendar:

Having purchased goats in trees calendars for the last 10 years, I must say they really outdid themselves this year. I mean these trees are full of goats! I know some people reading this review might be wondering, "why do I need more than 1-2 GPT? (goats per tree for those new to goat in tree (GIT) community", but I assure you when it comes to trees, more goats is better.

1 comment:

  1. Never knew about the goats in trees calendar! Consider me enlightened.
