Friday, July 23, 2010

Words words words.

I'm not too surprised that most Americans read on a 9th grade level. How many people pick up a book to be challenged instead of simple mental escapism, if they read at all? The brain wants to be used to stay sharp, but it takes some work. How many people give up those gym memberships because consistent training is hard? Today's dictionary word of the day is fulgurate. Very descriptive word. It means to flash or dart like lightning. I probably wouldn't use it in everyday speech, however. When I was young, I learned that when I used some of the less common words in the vernacular, I was stared at like a freak. It only made communication more difficult. I was called a smartass or a snob for using such words, so I stopped, in the interest of being understood. I think in general we've done exactly that, and as a result, many of us have lost the mental flexibility to pick up and use new vocabulary and the desire to keep expanding our reach. We're less concerned about sharing an idea by way of suggestive words that encourage another mind to take flight, and more about simplicity for the common denominator. I read my words above and wonder how many reading this will simply call me a snob and elitist. I don't take it personally. It's happened for as long as I could speak.


  1. SNOB.
    I'm actually on the flip side of that, where my vocabulary is pathetic at best. When people use words I don't understand (especially to insult), I just look at them, hoping to convey through my stare that they must either explain what they said or deal with my non-response.

  2. Your brain is perfectly functional. Why not try to push it to pick up some new words? Then you, too, can enjoy the vapid stares in your direction.
